Continuous monitoring and evaluation of key performance indicators (KPIs), as outlined in the Bhutan Health Standards for Quality Assurance (BHSQA), play a crucial role in improving healthcare services. To support this initiative, the Quality Assurance unit of Mongar, with support from Health Standard and Quality Assurance Division (HSQAD of Ministry of Health (MOH) and funding support from the World Health Organization (WHO), organized a two-day training for the relevant in-charges from the Eastern Regional Referral Hospital (ERRH), Gyelpozhing Hospital, Primary Health Centers (PHCs), and sub-posts.

The training aimed to educate participants on the importance of KPIs in ensuring quality healthcare delivery and the proper implementation and monitoring of BHSQA KPIs. It also emphasized the significance of collaboration between the ERRH and PHCs to achieve and maintain these quality standards.

The training was facilitated by Hem Kumar Nepal, CN, Quality Assurance focal person at ERRH; Ugyen Phuntsho, CN at Trashi Yangtse Hospital; and Sonam Zangpo, CPO, HSQAD, MoH.16:47.