MRRH administrative section is pleased to share here the Rules for Administrative Disciplinary Action July, 2022 for your kind reference with necessary mandates.

MRRH administrative section is pleased to share here the Rules for Administrative Disciplinary Action July, 2022 for your kind reference with necessary mandates.
MRRH would like to invite a sealed quotation from all the interested and eligible. Bhutanese suppliers around Mongar Region, holding valid Trade license in the given.
Breast feeding week is observed globally from 1-7 August every year. At ERRH, we have conducted CME for our staff on breastfeeding coinciding with the event. Breast feeding week is observed …
Promotion ceremony of 13 ERRH staff who got promoted to next grade w.e.f 1st July, 2022.
Congratulations to all for the well deserved promotion!
The Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan (KGUMSB) is pleased to announce the following core or adjunct faculty positions at the Faculty of Postgraduate Medicine, as detailed below: