A team of Japanese experts are at MRRH and eastern districts to survey the need of medical equipment’s. They are accompanied by representative from JICA and MoH.

A team of Japanese experts are at MRRH and eastern districts to survey the need of medical equipment’s. They are accompanied by representative from JICA and MoH.
18-24th November of every year is observed as an Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Week. AMR is a serious issue globally. There is every chance that we may plunge into pre-antibiotic era killing millions.
Radiology day was celebrated in a simple cake cutting ceremony and lighting of butter lamps. It was to mark the global radiology day. MRRH take this opportunity to wish all our friends a happy radiology day! May the radiology services flourish!
21st October is celebrated as global engineering day throughout the world. We are happy and thankful that BMED has celebrated this year’s day at MRRH. We all know that BME services is indispensable for quality services to our patients.
Coinciding with international elderly day 2021 handbook for elderly care and signage were launched today by hospital Lam at ERRH. The event was hoisted by ERRH with support from Dzongkhag health sector.