” Today marks a special occasion as we celebrate International Nurses Day, a day dedicated to honouring the heroic efforts of nurses around the world. In Bhutan too, our nurses are not only healthcare professionals but also guardians of our community’s well-being. They are divine beings who embody compassion and resilience, making their profession one of the noblest. Their tireless dedication, often under challenging conditions, showcases a commitment to health that goes beyond mere duty — it is a calling.
On this day, let us reflect on the countless lives touched by the gentle hands and warm smiles of our nurses. They are at the forefront of our healthcare system, ensuring that every patient receives the care and comfort they need. Thank you, nurses, for your boundless generosity of spirit and selfless service. You are our divine warriors in white, and Bhutan stands stronger and healthier because of you.”
Prime Minister’s Office – PMO, Bhutan
The message from the Prime Minister’s Office and the live celebration at Thimphu clock tower, with the Prime Minister as Chief Guest alongside dignitaries, encapsulates the significance of International Nurses Day and the pivotal roles nurses play in healthcare. No further elaboration needed.
The ERRH nursing fraternity marked the day with festivities, attended by the Medical Superintendent as Chief Guest, along with ERRH nurses, doctors, specialists, students, and faculty from Arura Academy of Health Sciences as well as other Unit In-Charges. The International Nurses Day theme for this year was “Our nurses. Our Future. The economic power of care”
Below are glimpses from the joyful celebrations for your viewing pleasure.