Community health unit is run by Incharge supported by others 8 health assistants to all the outdoor-patients. Following services are available and providing daily from 9 am to 3 pm.
- Antenatal care.
8 visits are mandatory during pregnancy and during 8 visits as per the MCH handbook we strictly follow the guidelines and procedures.

- Post natal care.
Even after delivery we provide 5 times post natal checkup till 42 days in order to maintain to zero maternal death.
- Immunization /EPI & growth monitoring.
We immunize 13 times of vaccines to all the children less than 5 years in order to prevent from 13 diseases and measure height, weight, provide Vitamin and deworming monthly till 1 year and 3 monthly from 1 year to 5 years.

- Voluntary Counseling test & PMTCT.
2 times VCT & PMTCT mandatory to do during pregnancy to detect HIV/STD
- Bhutan Child development screening tool.
11 times screening and assessments are done till 60 months.
- Human Papilloma Virus
Usually HPV screening are done after 30 years till 65 years of women and asked to visit as per the schedules given in the HPV guide book.
- Colposcopy.
After detection of abnormal HPV colposcopy are done to classify the degree of cancer

- Adolescence friendly health services.
All boys and girls (10-19 years) both in and out of school/married and unmarried can avail the services.

- Sprinkle/Multi Nutrients Powders (MNP).
We provide MNP/Sprinkles to children above 6 month till 2 years of children by following the schedules given in the MNP guide books.
- Non communicable Diseases.
We provide NCD services such as measuring height and weight for BMI classification, blood sugar for random and fasting too to high risk group age ranging from 25 to 64 years.
- Elderly care services.
We provide elderly care services to all the age above 65 years such as monitoring BP, height and weight for BMI, Blood sugar for random and fasting too, and others as per the elderly guide book.
- Out Reach Clinics.
During the outreach clinic we provide the services like measuring height and weight growth monitoring for children less than 5 years, Monthly children Immunization, Family planning like DMPA, OCP, condom, C4CD plus activities about one and half hour, provide Vitamin A and deworming to children, and finally we provide OPD services like ARI treatment, dispense drugs as per the complaint by community.
- Counseling services.
We provideVCT, HIV/STDS, Adolescents counseling as and when required.
- School health program services.
Yearly we visit schools of under Mongar geog minimum of twice for HPV vaccination and TD vaccination.