Traditional Medicine, or Sowa-Rigpa, is an ancient healing system with a rich history spanning thousands of years, deeply rooted in Buddhist philosophy.
The term “Sowa” denotes the act of rectifying imbalances, while “Rigpa” signifies the knowledge and science associated with a specific subject. This holistic approach reflects a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of health and spirituality within the framework of traditional practices.
The Traditional Medicine Department at Mongar Regional Referral Hospital operates from the dedicated Traditional Medicine Building, situated in front of the hospital parking lot. Despite its separate location, the department actively collaborates with allopathic health professionals and units, aligning its efforts with national health policies to deliver quality services and promote healthcare.
Serving as a referral center for Traditional Medicine Units in neighboring eastern dzongkhags, the department is led by a Head of Department (In-charge) and is supported by a team of specialists, Drungtshos, Menpas, and therapy aides. This collaborative ensemble brings diverse expertise to the table, enriching the healthcare landscape with a comprehensive array of traditional healing modalities.
Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Sunday: Off
The treatment includes behavioral adjustments, dietary modifications, medication regimens and physical therapies, offering a well-rounded approach to address health concerns.