The department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is dedicated to provide patients and their families with the advanced care and services.
The services consist of care of women in their pregnancy, childbirth and post delivery period including treating diseases pertaining to female reproductive organs. The services are offered with help of dedicated staffs from the Mother and Child health (MCH) unit and in-patient ward. The inpatient service is provided from 19 bedded ward with two delivery rooms. Obstetrician & gynaecologist provides clinical care to high risk patients and operative services.
Composition of staffs
About fifteen midwives and nurses work in shifts in the maternity ward providing peripartum care to mother and newborns. The ward runs under the care of senior nurse in-charge. Eight permanent health assistants work in the MCH unit and provide MCH related services in OPD. The unit comes under community health department headed by senior HA.

Services offered
The department in coalition with the MCH unit offers various pregnancy-related, gynecological and surgical services.
- MCH unit
- Antenatal and postnatal care
- High risk obstetrics
- Family planning services
- Pap smear and human papilloma virus (HPV) tests
- Colposcopy
- Surgical care
- Caesarean sections
- Hysterectomy
- Laparotomy
- Laparoscopy
- Diagnostic hysteroscopy
- Infertility services
- Basic investigation – semen analysis and hysterosalphingogram(HSG)
- Ovulation induction
- Ultrasound services
- Basic obstetrics & gynecological screening
- Trans-vaginal – diagnostic and follicular tracking
- Inpatient care
- Normal and complicated deliveries
- Operative patients
- Phototheray

Education and research activities
The department has conducted few research works on quality improvement for maternal health particularly in caesarean section and newborn care. It is serving as teaching unit for resident and intern doctors during their training period. Midwifery students are attached with department for semester posting. The department has initiated enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS), Early Essential Neonatal Care (EENC), Baby Friendly hospital initiative (BFHI) in the recently.

Achievements and future prospects
As new MCH hospital construction completes in 2025, the department plans to provide improved subspecialty services with more competent staffs and clinical training with increased number of bed capacity and state of art facilities.