An in-house and physical orientation session was conducted today for 70 first-year nursing students from Arura Academy of Health Sciences.

These students have been posted at ERRH for a 6 weeks of clinical posting and hands-on experience, as ERRH serves as a teaching hospital for the institute.

During the session, the Medical Superintendent briefed the students on the four fundamental principles of medical ethics: autonomy, beneficence, non-malfeasance, and justice. He also shared practical insights from the “Search Inside Yourself” (SIY) mindfulness program, specifically the SBNRR technique—Stop, Breathe, Notice, Reflect, and Respond. He encouraged students to practice this technique to cultivate responsibility and mindfulness in both their personal and professional lives. Additionally, he emphasized the significance of attitude and aptitude, describing them as essential factors for both individual and institutional success. Through various anecdotes and real-life experiences, he illustrated the qualities necessary for professional growth.

The Quality Assurance focal person provided a briefing on key aspects of clinical practice, including Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and Medical Waste Management (MWM). Students were also guided on patient-centered care, proper documentation and reporting, adherence to clinical protocols, and maintaining safety in healthcare settings.

Furthermore, they were introduced to the six domains of healthcare quality—safety, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, effectiveness, and equity—which are essential for delivering high-quality patient care and improving the overall healthcare system. The students were reminded to always uphold professional ethics, values, and principles in their practice.

The Nursing Superintendent welcomed the students and provided an overview of the hospital’s physical structure, clinical services, specialties, available specialists, and the overall functioning of the hospital. Additionally, nursing in-charges assured the students of their support and guidance throughout their clinical postings, ensuring a conducive learning environment.